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Time to think of where you want to be this Winter…New York or Florida

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It is August 5; within 30 days many people will begin to start thinking that fall has begun. With this thought maybe it is time to start thinking of where you want to be this winter. The cold dreary days are almost upon us.Labor Day is soon, and then before we know it school begins for most families. Then we start looking forward to Thanksgiving and the snow starts. As pretty as the first white snow looks, also begins the freezing cold treacherous days of a long chilly winter. August is the time to foresee of where you want to be next winter. The time is now to begin to look and see what is available in warmer climates. Especially before the cold is upon us and everybody is starting to want to spend time away from the gloom and into the warm sunny days that spells F-l-o-r-i-d-a.

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