Mirasol is a premier Golf and Country Club located in Palm Beach Gardens Florida. Mirasol has 1170 home sites. Out of the 1170 homes in Mirasol there are now only 58 homes for sale. This is a record low for Mirasol. In 2010-2012 there were always 8-10% of the homes for sale. Tis low inventory tells potential Sellers and Buyers that Mirasol is a very stable and sought after neighborhood. Mirasol is known for it’s family friendly neighbors. The Club (Mirasol Golf sand Country Club) has full time camps for all Members and their children and grandchildren all summer long. Mirasol added a Sports Complex that staffs counselors so that parents can leave their children while being watched and guided professionally. All of these attributes plus a fabulous team of Mirasol Employees makes this Country Club one of the most premier platitium status club in the United States.